role: interior design
type: third year studio 1.1

scope of work: semester project for ©Steelcase student competition

location: Nashville, TN, USA

year: 2021

Next is a hypothetical company that was used for the Fall 2021 Steelcase Student Competition. The prompt was to create a work environment that would fit the narrative for the young CEO. Students were given two floors, approximately 15,000 sq. ft, to space plan while fitting all of the requirements and adjacencies. Requirements: design concept, floor plans, RCP, elevation, perspective renderings, logo.


Next is the story of family, union, and building. As part of a first-generation family immigrating to the United States from South Korea, a young daughter grew up to start Next, an inclusive wellness brand of cosmetics. In New York City, she experiences the beauty of the city through history, culture, and people. The Next site, being a part of the Columbus Circle, provides constant movement and life at any time of day. The space uses curvilinear lines that mimic a ripple effect, inspired by the neighboring circle. Like this young woman’s story, her parents’ move started the next part of her life that later brings her to where she is now - and she will do the same for her children, and grandchildren. The brand invites everyone on this journey, by creating inclusive tools for wellness. The plan to elevate the company means to radially reach outwards.

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